Metairie Small Animal Hospital (MSAH)


7 Ways to Go Green as a Pet Owner in Honor of Earth Day
According to the AVMA, more than 48 million dogs and 31 million cats live in U.S. households. As we celebrate Earth Day on April 22, those numbers put into perspective the impact that eco-friendly pet ownership can have on the world.

National Heartworm Awareness Month: Preventing Heartworm in Dogs
Heartworm disease is potentially fatal to dogs, caused by foot-long worms that live in their heart, lungs, and blood vessels, causing severe distress to their organs.

National Heartworm Awareness Month: Preventing Heartworm in Cats
Heartworm disease is a serious illness that causes heart failure and lung damage in affected animals.

National Pet Poison Prevention Week: Beware These Common Household Toxins
National Pet Poison Prevention Week takes place this year from March 21st through March 27th

Dangerous Beauty: Lilies Can Kill Cats
True lilies (Lilium spp.) and day lilies (Hemerocallis spp.), both popular additions to bouquets and gardens, are highly toxic to cats.

Catios: Cat-Safe Outdoor Enrichment for Your Indoor Kitty
If you have a cat, it's likely you've watched him look longingly out the window and wished you could let your kitty friend safely enjoy the outdoors.

How Hot is Too Hot? Heat Stress in Pets
Summer’s almost here! It’s time to sweat (or hide in the air conditioning).

Common Health Problems in Senior Cats: Part 1
Cats are masters at hiding their pain. Because of this, it can be tough to know when your cat isn’t feeling well, and easy to miss health problems until they're very advanced.

Common Health Problems in Senior Cats: Part 2
As we discussed last week in Part 1 of this series, cats are masters of disguising their pain.

Common Health Problems in Senior Cats: Part 3
At this point, you've heard how good cats are at hiding their pain and discomfort.

How to Give Your Cat a Pill
If you’re like most cat owners, you've struggled at one time or another while trying to give your cat a pill.

Catnip and Your Cat - Best Thing Ever or No Big Deal?
If you walk down the cat toy aisle at your favorite pet store, you'll notice that a large proportion of the toys in stock are stuffed with catnip.

Feral Cats or Stray Cats?
We’ve all seen them: the slinky cats prowling our alleyways and gardens, the flash of a tail disappearing under a house or around a corner…

What’s Poisonous to Pets? Part 1: Inside Your House
It happens to everyone at some point or other: Fido or Fluffy gets into a cabinet (or storage bin or your purse or…) and starts to chew on what she finds.

What’s Poisonous to Pets? Part 2: Spring and Easter Special
This year National Pet Poison Prevention Week is March 20-26.

What’s Poisonous to Pets? Part 3: Molds and Other Fungi
Spring has sprung – and with it, pollen, mold, and more. We’ve talked before about your pet’s allergies, and we’ve spent a couple of weeks talking about things that are poisonous to them.