Metairie Small Animal Hospital (MSAH)
DVM - Co-Founder
Henry Melius

DVM - Co-Founder
Henry Melius
Dr. Henry Melius was born and raised in Metairie, Louisiana. He entered Texas A&M University in 1947 and received his DVM degree in 1953. Dr. Melius is a past president of the Southeast Louisiana Veterinary Association. He is a director emeritus of the American Animal Hospital Association and Metairie Small Animal Hospital, since his retirement in 1995. He is also a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and the past Treasurer of the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association.
While in active practice, Dr. Henry was responsible for most of the orthopedic and much of the spinal surgery procedures performed by MSAH as well as enjoying the responsibility of co-managing the practice with founder Dr. Thomas W. Melius, Jr. He rejoined the Metairie Small Animal Hospital team as the head of our Pharmacy Department in the summer of 2003.
Dr. Henry passed away in November of 2003. He is greatly missed by all of the doctors and staff of MSAH. We continue to honor his memory and owe him a great deal of respect for the part he played in making Metairie Small Animal Hospital what we are today.